I know you’re probably thinking along the same lines I did when considering the idea of starting a blog. “Hey, what this world needs is ANOTHER Food Blog! …’cause, you know, there just aren’t enough food bloggers infesting the Interwebs. …and the world would be OH-SO-MUCH better off with another Food Blog!”
I wholeheartedly agree…mostly.
Just a heads-up, my take on food doesn’t come from a culinary school. It doesn’t come from studying under great chefs of the world, and it certainly doesn’t come from being a working-harder-than-most-but-highly-underpaid-full-time-mommy-and-homemaker (after all, I’m a guy). Nope, my inspiration comes from working as a professional gourmet caterer in my youthful adult life (more than 20 years ago), traveling, and entertaining family and friends. While I’ve tinkered in the kitchen for nearly 40 years, my true love affair with food was instilled in me by the amazingly smart, incomparably creative, mentor, and mother figure, Mrs. Jeannie Davis. You’ll see me refer to Ms. Jeannie periodically. She was an enormous influence in my life. She is missed and loved.
My foodie affair began with Ms. Jeannie, but my love of food stemmed from my beloved maternal grandmother, Gma. From midnight snacks of BLTs (before microwaves were invented to make nuking raw bacon into submission in record time so much easier), to smashing potato chips between a couple of slices of mustard loaded bread. Yep, my foodie adventures began as bonding moments with the woman who always believed I could do anything I set my mind too, and encouraged me to prove it. My Gma is also missed (everyday) and loved beyond measure.
You’ll discover throughout this blog there will be intermittent links to other websites. Some of them are affiliate links to help pay for college and orthodontia for 4 kids (you’ll meet my ‘Kritters’ later), but much of the time the links are only to sites which do not provide compensation to me. They are simply sites I trust, believe in, and have been personally verified. I’m not into Spam…email or the nasty canned variety…so if you do want to sign-up for periodic email updates, please do. I’m not an email-every-time-the-wind-changes kinda guy, but if you’d rather not get occasional email updates, that’s okay too. We can still be friends. In fact, please feel free to check out my Food Adventures on the Social Webs. While Twittering is not my preferred method of staying in touch, I’m there. You’re more likely to find me invading Facebook (www.Facebook.com/JimRhino) and, more recently, on Instagram at @RhinoEats. If you like Bacon or Chicken, be sure to check out www.Amazon.com/author/jimreincke too. I’ve recently released a couple of eCookbooks to add to the couple of non-foodie books floating out there.
You’ll also discover through these weekly foodie adventures that I pretty much write the same way I speak. If replacing the beginning of some words, and the letter ‘g’ at the end of some words, with an apostrophe brings out the Grammar Nazi in you, you’ll cringe often.
I’m an Inland Northwest (Spokane Valley, Washington) transplant from Southern Illinois (Salem
and Centralia, Illinois). The accent in my voice has, for the most part, been removed, but often shows up in my writing. The down home boy in me still likes to play…especially in the kitchen, at the grill, in the smoke of my Good-One Smoker (her name is Betty), and pretty much everywhere I go. I’m several decades in the making and still like to play with my food…a lot.
I have been fortunate to have traveled extensively through nearly every nook and cranny of the United States of America. As of now, I’ve breathed the air of 49 states, 2 U.S. Territories, 4 Countries, and 3 Canadian Provinces. My dining experiences have included countless cultures and hundreds of meals with dozens of friends. My promise to you is to keep things real, as easy as possible, and achievable by all.
Let’s make a standing date to check-in with one another every week, shall we? We’ll explore together, we’ll cook together, we’ll laugh together, and we might even get in trouble together. We’ll achieve epic foodie moments, and likely tailspin in epic foodie fails (just don’t ask about the canned salmon and ground beef meatloaf experiment. I was young. It still makes me cringe)…and we’ll experience it all together.
Welcome to OUR Foodie Adventure! Let the games begin!
BTW… Be sure to sign-up for an occasional newsletter. As of now, I don’t have a schedule of when they’ll go out, but can promise you that it will NOT be very often. After all, I do have a life to get on with too.
Outside Links: JimRhino on Facebook; RhinoEats on Instagram; Jim Reincke, Author; Salem, Illinois; Centralia, Illinois; Spokane Valley, Washington; The Good-One Smoker; Email Updates